April 30, 2018

Introducing the newest comptetitors! Toine's Blood Bowl Dwarves.

Hey all, it's been a while since my last post! We've been very busy painting up our Blood Bowl miniatures. So I tought it was time to introduce to you our newest competitors for our upcoming games of Blood Bowl, Toine's Dwarves! :) (Toine hasn't decided on a name yet for his team, so that's something we owe you for the future.)

Toine is actually pretty new to painting miniatures and I've got to say he's making awesome progress! Currently he's working on adding shades and highlights. I think they're looking very cool and I'm excited to see how the team will look when they're all finished! And ofcourse, how they'll do in the coming games of Blood Bowl!

Also I've been speaking to my Cousin Mike (Better known as "Niffa",  Mieker or/and Miekel ), and we would like to be playing Warhammer 40.000 Kill Teams during the upcoming Christmas holiday. This may seem pretty far away at this time, but since Mieker lives in the United States, we need to plan this kind of things early on... So I've got to start thinking about which kind of Kill Team I would like to play and build :)! Mieker also has some cool ideas for terrain, so we might work them out! Who know's what the future will bring...

That's all for now, untill next time,


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