January 19, 2019

Leading by example.

"All brethren execute extraction plan."
"What of this one, Brother-Sergeant?"
"No witnesses."
- Brother-Sergeant Taghaes to Brother Maekel.

Brother-Sergeant Taghaes, leader of the Lion's Claw Strike Force.

Well, today I finally finished my Dark Angel Primaris Intercessor sergeant for my Kill Team! I'm pretty happy how he turned out, so I couldn't wait to show him on the blog. I've used the Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah as a base and added a Primaris Intercessor arm with Heavy Bolt pistol, since they can't use plasma pistols in Kill Team. I've also customised the head, using a Sternguard Veteran head and sculpting some hair on it... I kind off wanted to make this mini look a bit like myself, since he's representing me on the battlefield, haha!

It has been actually a pretty long time since I've finished painting a miniature, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I tend to built miniatures and never paint them, so this is kind of a big step in the right direction! It's always nicer to play tabletop games with painted miniatures, so I've got to keep this flow going.

I'm currently working on finishing building the miniatures for my Kill Team, so I can start painting them aswell. I've decided to build some Primaris intercessors with Space Marine jump packs and actually use them as Reivers armed with grapnel launchers. I prefer the look of Intercessors over Reivers, since they remind me a little bit too much of Spartans from Halo... I'm pretty excited to see how they turn out and I will post them as soon as they're done!

That's all for now.

Untill next time,


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