It's time for a fresh, new start on our blog. Consider the older posts as part of the "The Blog that was", because from now on we will try to maintain a new format where we add more narrative aspects to the posts! We're going to try to create more background stories for the miniatures that we make and the games that we play, so keep an eye out for that! But first let me introduce ourselves properly.
This is me, the "Space Marine" with the scared look on his face. My name is Tom and I'm currently 25 years of age. It all started 15 years ago when I bought my first box of Space Marines at the local toy store. Ever since, I've been addicted to this hobby and in the past years I've tried lots of different game systems, but Warhammer 40.000 always had a special place in my heart since it all started there. I've also enjoyed looking into Mordheim, but never managed to set up a campaign... Something I hope to change someday! The thing I've always have enjoyed the most of the hobby is spending my time on building and converting miniatures and thinking of ways how I can customize them. I have to admit that I rarely finish painting miniatures, which is kind of my bad habbit, haha! That's actually something I'm working on...
This is Miekel, my cousin. He's of the same age as me, just a couple of months older. Miekel is known for his great mustache and unlimited knowledge of awesome movie quotes! He's also a veteran with the hobby as he started playing Warhammer 40.000 back when he was only 10 years old. Back in the days he bought the 3th edition starter box and worked on his Black Templar Space Marines. Nowadays, Miekel is a true Imperial Guard player and rarely builds or paints something else than a Cadian Trooper. He's awesome at painting miniatures with great speed and sees it as a moment of relaxation. Rumors say he even whispers "Affix bayonets" in his sleep to show is loyalty to the guard...
This is Rosie, my lovely girlfriend! It all started for Rosie when I showed her some of the Lord of the Rings miniatures I had from back in the days, after seeing the movies again togheter. She really got excited and wanted to try to paint some herself. Soon after, she liked painting miniatures so much, she even started working on a Sisters of Battle Kill Team! Rosie has a great talent for painting miniatures and I'm really proud of the progress she's making. She's also a very fanatical when it comes to playing board games and tabletop games... She doesn't like to lose and she will fight untill the bitter end to win at all cost. (That's actually the reason why I have the scared look on my face... Don't let her smile fool you! People change when they're playing games, haha!)
My dear friend Toine is one of the most involved players of the group, as he's always down to play some tabletop games. With his great sense of humor, he's also a very welcome addition! Way back Toine bought a Warhammer Fantasy starter box containing Empire and Orcs and Goblins togheter with his little brother. That's where he got himself into the hobby. He always enjoyed to gaming part of the hobby above all and from time to time paints and builds miniatures. As he is becoming an engin(s)eer in reallife, he's currently working on an Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team to play with in the upcoming campaign... Praise the Omnissiah, right?
Ah, Axel... the giant of the group! No seriously, it's safe to say that this man is almost like a giant with an height of almost 2 meters tall! Axel has been a fellow hobbyist as long as I've known him. We actually met way back in the first class of high school and ever since we've been friends. He's the kind of guy that always knows every rule of every game by heart, making him very useful to have around, haha! Besides that, he's known for his roaring laughter and great enthusiasm for (new) tabletop games. This enthusiasm often results in extreme buying behaviour of new miniatures though... At the moment, Axel is working on a T'au Empire Kill team which is coming along nicely.
Aäron is our newest member! We've actually known eachother for quite some years, but only recently has he became involved with the hobby. However, he has been familiar with tabletop gaming for a long time since his older brother used to play Dungeons and Dragons back when he was in high school. Aäron is also making great progress on his hobby skills and is always striving to become better at painting and modelling. His first miniatures are Harlequins which he is now painting to use for Kill Team.
And last, but not least... there's Jet, the destroyer of worlds! Well, actually the destroyer of gaming boards, haha! Jet once jumped on a gaming board full of terrain, damaging everything on it! Even Rosie her Sisters of Battle fell down on the ground, breaking all of the backpacks off... Except for that, Jet is the sweetest creature around, always curious what we're doing and looking for some attention. We all like the little furball alot though!
So that's us, the Frenzied Mob! Currently our group is still working on finishing Kill Teams and learning to play the game properly. In the upcoming time, I hope to post some more about the Kill Teams and the battles we play! My intentions are to make the posts a combination of narratives and reports on the progress we make! I'm thinking of working out a setting and narrative for our Kill Team campaign, which I might post here aswell! Who know's what's coming!
Well, that's all for now!
Untill next time,
Ah, Axel... the giant of the group! No seriously, it's safe to say that this man is almost like a giant with an height of almost 2 meters tall! Axel has been a fellow hobbyist as long as I've known him. We actually met way back in the first class of high school and ever since we've been friends. He's the kind of guy that always knows every rule of every game by heart, making him very useful to have around, haha! Besides that, he's known for his roaring laughter and great enthusiasm for (new) tabletop games. This enthusiasm often results in extreme buying behaviour of new miniatures though... At the moment, Axel is working on a T'au Empire Kill team which is coming along nicely.
Aäron is our newest member! We've actually known eachother for quite some years, but only recently has he became involved with the hobby. However, he has been familiar with tabletop gaming for a long time since his older brother used to play Dungeons and Dragons back when he was in high school. Aäron is also making great progress on his hobby skills and is always striving to become better at painting and modelling. His first miniatures are Harlequins which he is now painting to use for Kill Team.
And last, but not least... there's Jet, the destroyer of worlds! Well, actually the destroyer of gaming boards, haha! Jet once jumped on a gaming board full of terrain, damaging everything on it! Even Rosie her Sisters of Battle fell down on the ground, breaking all of the backpacks off... Except for that, Jet is the sweetest creature around, always curious what we're doing and looking for some attention. We all like the little furball alot though!
So that's us, the Frenzied Mob! Currently our group is still working on finishing Kill Teams and learning to play the game properly. In the upcoming time, I hope to post some more about the Kill Teams and the battles we play! My intentions are to make the posts a combination of narratives and reports on the progress we make! I'm thinking of working out a setting and narrative for our Kill Team campaign, which I might post here aswell! Who know's what's coming!
Well, that's all for now!
Untill next time,
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