January 08, 2019

Happy New Year! 2019.

Hey guys, and again, it's been a while... But I haven't forgotten the blog, so here I am! :) Ready to start posting again. Let's say a new year, a new start, a new me, haha! But first, let me explain something...

Last year hasn't been the easiest year for me. At the end of the summer holiday of 2017 I became ill and the doctor told me I had mononucleosis/glandular fever (in Dutch we call it the "Ziekte van Pfeiffer"). This ilness makes you feel really tired all the time and you're low on energy. As you can imagine, this affected everything I did. I had to put most of the energy I had into my study so I wouldn't fall behind to much. This made me even more tired and that often resulted in the fact that I didn't have the energy to do anything hobby related. It's currently more than a year and a half since I got diagnosed and I'm happy to say that I'm feeling alot better now! But I'm still recovering which means that my energy is still not what it used to be... Small steps at a time it is for me :).

All of this is the reason that I didn't keep up again with my blog and I hope that this is the last time, no more excuses! My enthusiasm for the hobby is still there and I really want to start sharing my hobby adventures again on my blog. Since my last post, alot has happened actually! We all started working on Kill Teams and I built a Dark Angels Primaris one.

Dark Angels Sergeant, 2018.

During the Christmas holidays (only a couple of weeks ago) my cousin "Miekel" came over from America and we played alot of Kill Team with the other dudes! We played some matches and even visited the local Games Workshop in Alkmaar where we played a game before he left again. It was really fun and it inspired me again to keep on blogging, because it's always nice to keep the memories alive :). We also played some Blackstone Fortress, which was a really nice game to play. Miekel got it as a Christmas present which was really nice.

Also before I forget! I updated my banner and added a new face on it! It's the dude with the torch, haha! He's called Aäron and he's been into wargaming since a couple of months. We've introduced him into the hobby since the new Kill Team rules were released and since then he has been working on a Harlequin Kill Team. In the future I will post them on the blog :). Maybe it's time that I introduce all of the faces on the banner to you, sounds like something for next time :).

And as a closing, my New Year's resolution! It's more of a checklist of the things I want to complete and in which order. I still have alot to do, so I hope to finish it all before the end of 2019!

  • Finish building the Drukhari Kill Team for my sister.
  • Restore the damaged game boards and terrain and varnish them again.
  • Finish building the ruins from the Kill Team Starter box.
  • Finish building my Primaris Reivers.
  • Finish painting my Primaris Dark Angels Kill Team.
  • Finish painting the ruins from the Kill Team Starter box.
  • Finish building the "Honoured Imperium Box".
  • Finish painting the "Honoured Imperium Box".
  • Finish painting the Aegis Defence Line.
  • Write and design a Kill Team setting for future campaigns.
  • And above all, keep on playing Kill Team, visit the local Games Workshop more often and keep on posting on the blog!
Well, that's the list for now! After I finish this I might look into Shadespire, that game also has my attention. I curious how that game plays and I want to get into Age of Sigmar somehow...

Untill next time,


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